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Basics Of Portion Control Training: Trick Your Brain To Eat Less

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Total hits: 401
Posted on: 07/04/22

People often misunderstand the meaning of portion control. They start measuring calories, counting every bite that they take, and get frustrated because of failure. But if your target is to eat less, you will have to retrain your brain to eat less. Our brain is capable of differentiating between a large meal and a small meal. It signals the stomach to stop eating when it receives a sensation of being full. These sensations depend on a lot of factors like food quantity, plate size, type of food, time taken to eat, and more. There are some tricks that you can employ to trick your brain into thinking that you are taking a large meal. Here we have listed a few important ones that can help you with your portion control training program

Plate size

This is the easiest way to feel satisfied with a small meal. As discussed above, you have to trick your brain into thinking that you have eaten a full meal. It can be done by reducing your normal plate size to half. When our eyes see a complete plate, they send a complete signal to the brain, irrespective of the size of the plate. However, you should make sure to not reduce your plate size lesser than 50%.

Take more than 15 minutes to eat

You should follow this as a general rule to eat every meal. Experts suggest that our stomach takes at least 15 to 20 minutes before sending a signal to the brain. So whether you eat more or you eat less, as long as you are eating for more than 15 minutes, you will be able to manage portion eating successfully.

Drink water if you feel hungry

If your brain is busy doing some other activity, it isn’t able to successfully identify whether you need water or food at a particular moment. So if you feel like eating something all the time, chances are that you aren’t drinking enough water.

80Bites is a group of qualified dieticians who are teaching thousands of people how to manage their food portions properly. Their approach to weight loss is based on the principle of stomach stretching and body hormonal balance. They have a comprehensive portion control training program that can guide you through the early phases of weight reduction and help you reach your goal weight in the healthiest way possible.

About 80Bites:

80Bites is the best place to look for 5 bite diet meal ideas.

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