Select a Pricing Plan
Free Package
It's FREE!
- Maximum allowed posts: 3
- Maximum allowed space: 1MB
- Advertisements: Yes
- The Free Blogs Via' Da' Web Package is always free. This is perfect for a person who is just starting out, as they typically post fewer blogs or vlogs. However, as a person grow and become more successful with traffic (which we hope your blogs does!) it is often necessary and more affordable to purchase subscription upgrades in order to unlock additional service enhancements.
- Select
Basic Package
$5.00 / month
- Maximum allowed posts: 50
- Maximum allowed space: 5MB
- Advertisements: Yes
- The Basic Blogs Via' Da' Web Package is always $5.00 a Month. This is perfect for a person who blogs off and on, but not daily as they typically post fewer blogs or vlogs. However, as a person grow and become more successful with traffic (which we hope yours blogs does!) it is often necessary and more affordable to purchase subscription upgrades in order to unlock additional service enhancements.
- Select
Premium Package
$14.99 / month
- Maximum allowed posts: 500
- Maximum allowed space: 50MB
- Advertisements: No
- The Premium Blogs Via' Da' Web Package is always $14.99 a Month. This is perfect for a person who blogs or vlogs daily. No advertisements appear in the Premium Package and there are additional service enhancements that are unlocked.
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