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Hand sanitizer alcohol content more than 60%
Experts pointed out that the alcohol content of less than 60% of hand sanitizer can kill bacteria, but currently on ... ...

Why add grease production soap

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Total hits: 1338
Posted on: 12/24/15
Soap is the most basic principle of material surface active agent, which has a hydrophilic group at one end, end with long chain organic matter of the hydrophobic group.Senior fatty acid is a kind of material and the preparation of higher fatty acid the simplest method is to use alkaline material to replace oil, namely higher fatty acid glycerol ester.In the process of replacing, the reaction products can make the reaction system of condensation, form now the object of this soap.So, oil is a necessary raw materials for preparation of soap.Oil, alkaline hydrolysis reaction is also known as "saponification reaction".

We are soap manufacturer, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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