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Hand sanitizer alcohol content more than 60%
Experts pointed out that the alcohol content of less than 60% of hand sanitizer can kill bacteria, but currently on ... ...

The cost of the soap to wash your hands

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Total hits: 1392
Posted on: 12/15/15
Washing hands with soap is one of the most cheap health intervention.Disability Adjusted Life Years (Disability Adjusted Life Years, DALYs) is through comprehensive Years loss of Life and the Life in the disabled state model to measure the burden of disease and health intervention effect.Obviously, washing hands with soap is associated with diarrhoea return DALYs the most effective way.Hand washing immunization have lower spending, such as: a DALY requires measles immunization costs $250 to $4500.This is not to say that the vaccination did not need to, but merely point out that caused by a lack of generally put into push hand washing, we missed a surprising number of use the cheapest way to save the lives of the opportunity.Most families have affordable soap in the world, so the cost is not influence the reason of washing hands with soap.

We are liquid soap manufacturers, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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