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Hand sanitizer alcohol content more than 60%
Experts pointed out that the alcohol content of less than 60% of hand sanitizer can kill bacteria, but currently on ... ...

What is soap composition

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Total hits: 1442
Posted on: 12/09/15
Soap ingredients: sodium R-CO2Na, the synthesis of pigment, synthetic spices, preservatives, antioxidants, foaming agent, curing agent, viscosity agent, synthetic surfactants.

The main component of soap (R-CO2Na, sodium stearate (C17H35COONa)), which is different from the general R group, is a variety of alkyl. R- is a hydrophobic group, and the carboxyl group is hydrophilic. Soap in hard water and Ca2+, Mg2+ formed a curd like substance, fatty acid calcium salts, usually said that the "calcium soap" and become useless in detergents. To remove hard water softener ion can make soap in hard water, play a role

We are soap manufacturers, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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