Yahoo Mail, sometimes shortened as Ymail, is an email service launched in 1997 through the American parent company Yahoo. It provides four different email plans, three for personal use and another for businesses. At times, it is so common for the users to get their email accounts cluttered up leading to the overloaded inbox. But in case of Yahoo mail, you can simply make your task easier by organizing and managing your mailbox as per your requirement. In case, if you confront with any problems while organizing your mail, you can directly reach out to Yahoo Customer Service, where the team of professional technicians will help you out in sorting out the issue.
Organizing Yahoo mailbox
Before following the methods to organize your mailbox, log in to your Yahoo mail account.
Make folders
Create filters
Move existing mail
By following the above-mentioned points you can de-clutter and organize your Yahoo mailbox. In case you need help in performing some actions, get in touch with Yahoo customer support number.
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