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Hand sanitizer alcohol content more than 60%
Experts pointed out that the alcohol content of less than 60% of hand sanitizer can kill bacteria, but currently on ... ...

To preserve soap does not breed bacteria

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Total hits: 1402
Posted on: 01/08/16
Although soap can decontamination, but also exist a large number of bacteria on the soap itself, but the pathogenic bacteria on the soap or less likely to cause skin infection.In general, only the immune system problems need to be careful, and these groups had better choose to use hand sanitizer.If you have a healthy body, so you don't need to worry the soap bacteria affect health.

Note that the bacteria especially like in has become sticky because of the wet by water on the soap.As long as do some simple movements also can avoid soap bacteria cause harm to human body, such as before with soap use tap water rinse;Put in dry place for the soap, especially not in wet the bathtub.Dry environment can guarantee breeding bacteria can't develop.

We are soap manufacturer, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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