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The other USES as well as the kind of soap

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Total hits: 1412
Posted on: 01/07/16
Soap USES is very wide, in addition to the familiar used to wash the clothes, also widely used in textile industry.Normally with higher fatty acid sodium salt used most frequently, generally called hard soap;Its potash is called soft soap, and is used to wash hair shave, etc.The ammonium salt is used for cold cream.According to soap ingredients from fatty acids part to consider, saturation of fatty acids of soap is hard;On the other hand, the larger unsaturation fatty acid soap made by soft.The main raw material of soap is high melting point of grease.In view of the carbon chain length, generally speaking, the carbon chain fatty acid is too short, soap made by solubility in water is too large;Carbon chain is too long, the solubility is too small.Therefore, only the C10 ~ C20 fatty acid potassium or sodium salt is only suited to make soap, in fact, soap contains C16 ~ C18 fatty acid sodium salt is most.

Soap also usually contains large amounts of water.Add spice to the finished product, dyes and other filling agent, after a quick all sorts of soap.

We are soap manufacturer, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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