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Things That You Should Do If Bitdefender Antivirus Software Doesn’t Respond
Users get theantivirus installed hoping that there system will stay safe and secured fromthe unwanted viruses and malwares. However, many ... ...

Things That You Should Do If Bitdefender Antivirus Software Doesn’t Respond

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Total hits: 1264
Posted on: 02/27/17

Users get the antivirus installed hoping that there system will stay safe and secured from the unwanted viruses and malwares. However, many times these antivirus software do not respond which causes the entire system to be at an increased risk of danger. The exact cause of antivirus software not responding is not known however, experts suggest that the software may not respond in case the system has already been affected by virus or if the storage capacity of the system is incredibly low or if there are two or more antivirus software installed in the system.

Symptoms that indicate that the antivirus software is not responding are the following:

  • The icon of the software will turn grey
  • The entire system will hang
  • You will receive a message stating that the page is not responding

If any of such issues take place, they you can be certain that the software is not responding.

Mentioned below are some of the things that you should do if your antivirus software is not responding:

  • Select alt tab and ctrl tab and delete tab all together and select task manager to ‘end task’ the items that are not responding. You should do this only if the entire system is not responding; otherwise, you can close all the programs in the system and shut down the PC.
  • Wait for some time and turn on the PC, check if the antivirus software now responds, if the icon has been greyed out, delete the software, download it once again, install it and see if it works.
  • If the system has many antivirus installed, then you will have to delete all and keep only one as several antivirus software cannot perform together.
  • Check to find out if your antivirus software has been upgraded as outdated software usually does not function. If the software has not been upgraded, visit the website of the antivirus software and upgrade it. You can take help of the experts at bitdefender support if you are not able to upgrade the software on your own.
  • If nothing works, then the best thing that you can do is delete the antivirus software and before installing the software see if it is compatible with the operating system that you are using. Since, incompatible antivirus software will obviously not work and give the required protection to the system.

If the antivirus software has been running just few hours back and have suddenly stopped working; then you should restart the system and wait for some time and then turn on the system. This will ideally help the antivirus software to start working again. The experts at bitdefender support suggest that once the software seems to perfect and is responding, you should first start scanning the entire PC so that any virus or other malware that might be there in the system can be detected and can removed at the earliest.

So, follow the above mentioned tips if your antivirus software is not responding.

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