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Magic use of soap

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Total hits: 1266
Posted on: 01/14/16
1, bathroom mirror encounter water mist can become blurred, a layer of soap can be coated on the surface of the mirror, then use dry cloth to wipe clean, the mirror will not become fog, can last for a period of time.
2, watches on the metal shell with a little bit of soap, reoccupy cloth wipe clean, can prevent the erosion of sweat watch.
3, write calligraphy on the white cloth, add a little soap water in ink, and the writing on this cloth is very clear.
4, put the soap in the closet, drawer, or in the shoe ark, can have fragrance of storage space effect.In the toilet also can be used, such as broken soap to be included in the bottle, add boiling water to make soap become soft, then will send out a fragrance.There are still some soap water used when cleaning the trash can in addition to smell.
5, when you brush the paint before, had better be in hand painted a layer of soap, so even with paint, it is easy to clean.When handling brush brush of the wall, as long as the brush in soapy water, after 10 hours of brush is easy to clean.
6, is after mosquito bites, itchy skin, use soap with a little water and apply directly in the location of the bite bite, soon can relieve itching.

We are soap manufacturer, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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