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How to produce hand sanitizer
A, three major features:1, flexible washing, it does not hurt the hair, do not hurt the skin, do not dry.2, ... ...

Note the use of hand sanitizer

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Total hits: 1186
Posted on: 12/16/15
Every time the amount of liquid soap to wash your hands
When using hand sanitizer, the quantity of use need not too much at a time.Every time with the size of a penny coin, can ensure clean hands.
Wash your hands each time the time at least 30 seconds
When you wash your hands, do not use hand sanitizer knead once water washed away.Washing hands with liquid soap to wash your hands for 30 seconds to ensure liquid penetration to the skin surface.After washing dry naturally don't touch anything.In addition, if the hand dry, and in 10 to 15 seconds to say MingShui and hand sanitizer penetration is not deep enough, consumption need some deeper.
It is better to hand cream after washing
Usually hands feel dry after using hand sanitizer, people often use hand sanitizer, can use again after some hand cream with moisturizing effect.
There are times when the effect of hand sanitizer
There are times when the effect of hand sanitizer as soap.Such as was clearly dirty hands with the wound bleeding, or hand soap effect is much bigger than that of the hand sanitizer.

We are liquid soap manufacturers, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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