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How to produce hand sanitizer
A, three major features:1, flexible washing, it does not hurt the hair, do not hurt the skin, do not dry.2, ... ...

Expiration of hand sanitizer's purpose

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Total hits: 1245
Posted on: 01/14/16
Lampblack machine and gas stove: first pour some liquid on the lampblack machine, gas stove, reoccupy dishcloth touchs water scrub directly, will find oil immediately remove.

Counter: first pour some liquid on the counter, with another piece of cloth dipped in water scrub directly.

Bath lavatory tile: bath lavatory tile often have mildew and dirt, and can be used.Tile first with wet pour some liquid on the tile, use brush scrub commonly can.
Wash your hands (face) : pour some lotion on the hands (face), with a little water and brush scrub commonly can.

A toilet: pour some emulsion in the seat and sat down where and inside the toilet, toilet seats and sit down, with a little water and brush scrub commonly can.Please use a toilet inside the toilet special brush wash.

We are hand soap manufacturers, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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