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Laundry detergent to wash clothes, pour the laundry detergent, or water first?
Water first with the laundry detergent to wash clothes. Laundry detergent into a small amount of water first, and then ... ...

Can you put the washing powder and detergent to wash clothes together?

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Total hits: 1146
Posted on: 03/06/16
Detergent washing bowl chopsticks tableware washing oil, ability make convincing. So someone thought of oil use detergent to remove clothing. But often the effect is not too ideal, is this why?

Detergent in detergent belong to the hard surface detergent, can remove washing dishes, many metals, enamel, ceramic, plastic kind of appliance can be used, but not detergent washing textiles object. Because of adding a certain proportion of detergent for washing utensils oxidant to disinfection, will have a negative impact on some textiles, may appear bit color, color, and even damage accident. So, remove some white cotton, linen fabrics and chemical fiber textiles, detergent should not be used for washing clothes.

We are detergent powder manufacturer,we are washing powder offers,we producting and selling all kinds of washing powders , soaps and detergents.

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