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How to produce hand sanitizer

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Total hits: 1055
Posted on: 12/01/15
A, three major features:

1, flexible washing, it does not hurt the hair, do not hurt the skin, do not dry.
2, high foam, foam is very rich, enduring.
3, high thickening, can produce a very low price of shampoo, shower gel, hand sanitizer.

Second, the basic formula: flexible detergent core masterbatch + + water + salt preservatives + + pearl pulp essence + + wire drawing powder pigment = shampoo, shower gel, hand sanitizer

Three, change the formula:
1, flexible core masterbatch + detergent moisturizing soft bright agent + + water + salt preservatives + + pearl pulp essence + + wire drawing powder pigment = midrange shampoo

2, flexible detergent core masterbatch + moisturizing and soft bright agent, special function additives + + water + salt preservatives + + pearl pulp essence + + wire drawing powder pigment = special shampoo

We are hand sanitizers supplies, we producting all kinds of hand washing liquids,and sell it.

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